World Championship
Results Are In!
4th Annual Hangin' Tree Cowdog Futurity
NRS Ranch Decatur, TX. October 9-13, 2018
Host of the 2018 HTCA Futurity, Maturity, and Meeting
Major Futurity Sponsors

Prime Futurity Sponsors
Buckle - Jacket Sponsors
Jacot Ranches
Mr. Carroll Messick
Thank you
Another championship in the books with next years championship already scheduled (Oct. 7-12, 2019) and our 'Thank You' list grows:
To Gary Ericsson, without his commitment in developing this breed, non of this would be possible
To NRS for hosting the Futurity and events
To our Major Sponsors, Prime Sponsors, and Jacket/Buckle Sponsors
Shane and Wynd Roberts for supplying cattle
Jensen Gainer for supplying cattle
To Charlie Trayer for coordinating, supplies, and so much more
To our judges who sat horseback all week and in the rain
Wynd Roberts, Trevon Ogden, and Kenneth Heman
To our cattle settlers for placing cattle
Kadin Roberts, Jensen Gainer, and the judges
To our cattle haulers and sorters
Shane Roberts, John Jacot, Jensen Gainer
To our timers and score keepers
Jennica Wilcox, Eric Wilcox, Melissa Ogden
To Herman Cook for sitting by the exhaust gate all week long to let cattle out
To our contestants, the dogs and handlers get better and better each year
To Jason Terrell for being the liaison between the NRS and HTCA
To JR Bailey for contacting Schaefer for the finalists jackets and Hybrid Light
To Schaefer for discounting the finalist jackets for the association
To Gorman Welding Trailers and Kennels for donating the kennel for the auction
To Revival Animal Health for being a product sponsor
All the members who donated items for the auction
To the members and non-members who watched the events and took pictures
There are more, I'm sure, we're forgetting and we'll continue to update this list as we remember. If you helped make the Futurity week a success, Thank you so much! We simply cannot do this without your support!
Futurity Week Finals

Stud Dog of the Year: Hangin' Judge Bean $400
Sire of Futurity Champion- Trayers' Savage Sam
Owned by Jan Dawson

New Classes
Supreme Cowdog Class
Previously Supreme qualified dogs have to be entered by September 1st
***Monday 10/8/2018*** We are holding a Supreme Qualifying Session. Your dog must be entered BY 9/24/2018 (for the qualifying session). Any dog that qualifies during the Supreme Session can still be enter in the Supreme Cowdog Class (MUST BE ENTERED THAT DAY)
$300 entry fee.
Same rules as futurity.
Futurity Class - Entry Form
Dog cannot be over 27 months old as of November 1, 2018. To qualify, dog must be whelped on or after August 1, 2016.
Any missed payment and entry is cancelled. To re-enter dog, penalty applies.
Dog can be entered at any time up to the Futurity date (late fees apply, contact Association)
Payment Schedule for Futurity: $50 each time IF payment schedule is followed
1st payment January 1, 2018 to January 31, 2018
2nd payment due March 1, 2018
3rd payment due May 1, 2018 
4th payment due July 1, 2018 
5th payment due September 1, 2018 
Final payment, due by Futurity date
2 Go-rounds finals
Rules to be posted before Futurity
Maturity Class - Entry Form
Dogs over 27 months old as of November 1, 2018 (whelped before August 1, 2016)
2 go rounds & finals.
$100 entry fee.
Same rules as futurity
Entry deadline September 1st
Supreme Cowdog Class - Entry Form
Previously Supreme qualified dogs have to be entered by September 1st
***Monday 10/8/2018*** We are holding a Supreme Qualifying Session. Your dog must be entered BY 9/24/2018 (for the qualifying session). Any dog that qualifies during the Supreme Session can still be entered in the Supreme Cowdog Class (MUST BE ENTERED THAT DAY)
2 Go-rounds & finals
$300 entry fee.
Same rules as futurity.
Novice Class - Entry Form
For any member that has not won any money or prizes in other trials
They can use any age Hangin' Tree Cowdog
$50 entry fee
2 Go-rounds and finals
Prize money and buckles
Will follow Maturity Class
Entry deadline September 1st
Horseback Class (Stall Booking) - Entry Form
They can use any age Hangin' Tree Cowdog
$100 entry fee
2 go rounds and finals
Prize money and buckles
Will follow Novice Class
Entry deadline September 1st
Nominate Stud Dogs for $100. If pup out of nominated stud wins the futurity the owner of stud wins the purse. Purse 80% to winner 20% to association. If no one wins it rolls over to next year.
2018 Futurity Payment schedule
Jan 1 - 31 Enter dog $50
March 1 2nd payment $50 -------------------------- late entry $200
May 1 3rd payment $50 -------------------------- late entry $300
July 1 4th payment $50 -------------------------- late entry $400
Sept 1 5th payment $50 -------------------------- late entry $500
Futurity date Final payment $50 Total of $300 ------- late entry $600
Explanation of Rounds and Payouts
Each go round points & time - Each go round pays 10% of total purse.
If under 10 dogs entered 2 moneys 60%-40%.
If 10 or more dogs entered 3 moneys 50%-30%-20%.
Finals - Total combined points & time of the two go rounds. Top 1 per 3 dogs entered go to finals.
If 6 or less dogs entered, 2 go to finals.
7 to 9 dogs entered, 3 to finals.
10 to 12 dogs entered, 4 to finals.
13 or more dogs entered, top 5 to finals.
Finals pay 2 moneys
If less than 12 dogs entered, 70% - 30% plus prizes.
If 12 or more dogs entered 3 moneys 50%-30%-20%.
Dates and times are subject to change if deemed necessary.
All futurity expenses must come out before any prize money is established.
10% of total purse goes to association.
Dog must be a Permanent Registered Hangin’ Tree Cowdog by futurity time and DNA tested (see HTCA Trial Dogs for rules). No prize money or prizes given out until DNA results are received by the association office.