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Create or update memberships, register litters, permanently register dogs, Transfers, and more!

Members now have their own accounts and can see their dogs, pedigrees, and account info! 

To start, click the picture!


How to fill out the 'fillable' DNA Release Form and email:

  • Open form

  • Begin filling in needed dog information.

  • Type your name then type your 'signature' onto the signature line and date it.

To send this AFTER filling it out:

  • There should be a print button in the top middle or right corner of the page, click the printer.

  • Another printer box should appear and at the top of that box it should give you a 'Printer' selection. Select 'Save as PDF' then click the 'Print' button below and it will prompt you to save it to your computer.

    • Please remember where you saved! it and then use it as an attachment and email it to:

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