2016 Hangin' Tree Cowdog Futurity & Maturity
October 13-15, 2016 Jacot Ranches
1365 Trail Rd, Moline, KS.
​Thank you John and Donna Jacot for hosting this years Futurity & Maturity at Jacot Ranches in Moline, KS!
October 13 - 1st go round starting in the A.M.- Futurity, Maturity, & Stud Dog Class
October 14- 2nd go round starting in the A.M.- Futurity, Maturity, & Stud Dog Class
October 15 - Finals in the A.M. and the Hangin’ Tree Cowdog Association Inc. 2016 annual meeting in afternoon.
Dates and times are subject to change if deemed necessary.
All futurity expenses must come out before any prize money is established.
10% of total purse goes to association.
Dog must be a Permanent Registered Hangin’ Tree Cowdog by futurity time and DNA tested (see HTCA Trial Dogs for rules). No prize money or prizes given out until DNA results are received by the association office.
Dog cannot be over 24 months old as of November 1, 2016. To qualify, dog must be whelped on or after November 1, 2014.
We are very thankful for our sponsors for our 2nd Annual Futurity & Maturity
Double J Diamond Ranch
Jacket Sponsors
John Jacot
Red Stick Cowdogs
Jenson Gainer
Diamond J Stockdogs
Diamond J Veterinary
Dave Scott
Todd Messerley
Miller Cattle
Lazy J R Cow Pirahnas
Jennica Wilcox
Rafter P Ranch
Anthony Arnold
Shawn Mills
E Bar S Ranch
Dalton Fowler
Buckle Sponsors
Boyd Burns
Shane & Wyn'd Roberts
Tim Miser
Bonnie Trayer
HC Dairy & Cowdogs - Herm Cook
Paul Lelinski
2016 Payment schedule
Jan 1 - 31 Enter dog $50
March 1 2nd payment $50 -------------------------- late entry $200
May 1 3rd payment $50 -------------------------- late entry $300
July 1 4th payment $50 -------------------------- late entry $400
Sept 1 5th payment $50 -------------------------- late entry $500
Futurity date Final payment $50 Total of $300 ------- late entry $600
Rounds and Payouts
Each go round points & time - Each go round pays 10% of total purse.
If under 10 dogs entered 2 moneys 60%-40%.
If 10 or more dogs entered 3 moneys 50%-30%-20%.
Finals - Total combined points & time of the two go rounds. Top 1 per 3 dogs entered go to finals.
If 6 or less dogs entered, 2 go to finals.
7 to 9 dogs entered, 3 to finals.
10 to 12 dogs entered, 4 to finals.
13 or more dogs entered, top 5 to finals.
Finals pay 2 moneys
If less than 12 dogs entered, 70% - 30% plus prizes.
If 12 or more dogs entered 3 moneys 50%-30%-20%.
Maturity trial - Dogs over 24 months old, whelped before November 1, 2014.
2 go rounds & finals.
Entry dead line September 1st.
$100 entry fee.
Maturity & Stud Dog Class same rules as futurity.
Stud Dog Class - runs with maturity.
Finals will be separate.
Entry dead line September 1st.
$100 entry fee.
Maturity & Stud Dog Class same rules as futurity.
Nominate stud dogs for $100. If pup out of nominated stud wins the futurity the owner of stud wins purse. Purse 80% to winner 20% to association. If no one wins it rolls over to next year.