World Championship
3rd Annual Hangin' Tree Cowdog
Futurity ~ Maturity/Stud Dog Class ~
Novice Class ~ Horseback Class
October 10-14, 2017
NRS Ranch Training Center
Decatur, TX
NRS Phone: 940-393-7019
Call to book room
NRS Calendar
October 10-14, 2017
NRS Guest Ranch
Online Booking
To see the event on their calendar click on the above link 'NRS Calendar' and find October 2017. The ranch has several guest houses but book quickly for dates in October 2017 as they are filling up! There are several hotels in Decatur, TX. Click here for a list.
Printable Forms Entries Closed
Futurity/Maturity Form
Novice Form
Horseback Form
See Online Forms for online version of Maturity & Stud Dog Class, Novice Class, and Horseback Class
*Due to payment schedule, the Futurity Form will only be offered in the 'printable' version. See bottom of page.
Monday, October 9th- Afternoon. Check-in day for the volunteers competing on Tuesday the 10th and Wednesday the 11th in the Maturity/Stud Dog Class and the Horseback class. We will walk the course with the judges and all participants and go over the obstacles and rules for the Tuesday & Wednesday classes.
Tuesday, October 10th- 1st Go-Round, 8:00 AM we will start the 1st go-round of the Maturity/Stud Dog Class, when it is concluded we will go straight into the Horseback Class.
Wednesday, October 11th - 8 A.M. 2nd go-round will be a repeat of Tuesday.
Wednesday afternoon- Check-in day for all contestants competing Thursday & Friday. After the 2nd go-round is over, we will walk the course with the judges and all participants and go over the obstacles and rules for the Thursday & Friday classes.
Thursday, October 12th - 8 A.M., there will be an opening ceremony. This will be a very nice presentation with the American Flag being presented horseback and the National Anthem will be sung by a young lady that is very good.
We will start with the 1st go-round, 1st position of the Futurity as soon the opening ceremonies are over; following the Futurity will be the Maturity/Stud Dog Class, Novice, and Horseback Class. Events will go all day.
Friday, October 13th - 8 A.M., 2nd go-round of events from previous day. Same plan as the day before, we need to move along at a timely pace. We need to have the 1st and 2nd go-rounds concluded by the end of Friday evening.
Friday Evening- Steak Supper and a concert to follow sponsored by the Hangin' Tree Cowdog Association. We'll break shortly during the concert to have a fundraiser auction.
Saturday, October 14th - Finals, Saturday 8:00 AM to End of Competition.
Awards Ceremony and Annual Meeting immediately following the Final Class.
Dates and times are subject to change if deemed necessary.
All futurity expenses must come out before any prize money is established.
10% of total purse goes to association.
Dog must be a Permanent Registered Hangin’ Tree Cowdog by futurity time and DNA tested (see HTCA Trial Dogs for rules). No prize money or prizes given out until DNA results are received by the association office.
Dog cannot be over 27 months old as of November 1, 2017. To qualify, dog must be whelped on or after August 1, 2015.
New Classes
Novice Class (for any member that has not won any money or prizes in other trials.)
They can use any age Hangin' Tree Cowdog
$50 entry fee
2 go rounds and finals
Prize money and buckles
Will follow Maturity & Stud Dog Class
Entry deadline September 1st
Horseback Class
They can use any age Hangin' Tree Cowdog
$100 entry fee
2 go rounds and finals
Prize money and buckles
Will follow Novice Class
Entry deadline September 1st
New classes will be based on an easier course at Futurity; there won't be as many obstacles and the handler will be able to walk with their dog. The pay-out will be the same as other classes and there will be very nice champion and reserve champion buckles for the winners.
Rounds and Payouts
Each go round points & time - Each go round pays 10% of total purse.
If under 10 dogs entered 2 moneys 60%-40%.
If 10 or more dogs entered 3 moneys 50%-30%-20%.
Finals - Total combined points & time of the two go rounds. Top 1 per 3 dogs entered go to finals.
If 6 or less dogs entered, 2 go to finals.
7 to 9 dogs entered, 3 to finals.
10 to 12 dogs entered, 4 to finals.
13 or more dogs entered, top 5 to finals.
Finals pay 2 moneys
If less than 12 dogs entered, 70% - 30% plus prizes.
If 12 or more dogs entered 3 moneys 50%-30%-20%.
Maturity trial - Dogs over 27 months old, whelped before August 1, 2015.
2 go rounds & finals.
Entry deadline September 1st
$100 entry fee.
Maturity & Stud Dog Class same rules as futurity.
Stud Dog Class - runs with maturity.
Finals will be separate.
Entry deadline September 1st.
$100 entry fee.
Maturity & Stud Dog Class same rules as futurity.
Nominate stud dogs for $100. If pup out of nominated stud wins the futurity the owner of stud wins purse. Purse 80% to winner 20% to association. If no one wins it rolls over to next year.
Host of the 2017 HTCA Futurity, Maturity, and Meeting
Major Futurity Sponsors
Prime Futurity Sponsors
Wilcox Cowdogs
Hayes Hangin Tree Stockdogs
Revival Animal Health
Diamond J Stockdogs
2D Farms
Timp Top Hangin Tree Cowdogs

Of Reno
Jacket Sponsors
Jacot Ranches
Timp Top Hangin Tree Cowdogs
Ross's Hangin Tree Cowdogs
J.R. Bailey
L3 Stockdogs
Bar T Hangin' Tree Cowdogs
2017 Futurity Payment schedule
Jan 1 - 31 Enter dog $50
March 1 2nd payment $50 -------------------------- late entry $200
May 1 3rd payment $50 -------------------------- late entry $300
July 1 4th payment $50 -------------------------- late entry $400
Sept 1 5th payment $50 -------------------------- late entry $500
Futurity date Final payment $50 Total of $300 ------- late entry $600