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When is it required to DNA my HTC?

When is it required to DNA my HTC?


     As of November 1st, 2019 all BREEDING dogs (just the sire and dam) are required to be DNA profiled BEFORE the litter can be registered. Any two dogs that were bred on or after the above date will need to be DNA profiled BEFORE the litter will be registered. 

Things to know:​​

  • You can still breed the dogs even if they've not been DNA profiled yet; you only have to DNA them so the litter can be registered. Don't panic, you have time.

  • Owners have a year from the day of whelping (birth) to register their litter.

  • The litter does NOT have to be DNA profiled. Please read that again. 

Contact: Melissa Ogden (DNA Administrator) with any questions requarding DNA.

Phone: 417-830-9278





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